Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Looks like obama will be the next President,with no help from me because I didn't vote for that socialist.People who support him think there is going to be major change for the better,they are right in one aspect there will be change but for the worse.I just don't see how people can't see through this obama guy.He is a true socialist.Read up on this guy.

Socialist obama

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Glock Pistols

The best pistol in my opinion.I carry a G33 daily in the summer and a G29 in the winter.I have had many high end pistols which have failed many times at the range.Check out a Glock for self-defense.

Glock Website

Victims of government

David Koresh (top photo) and his people were murdered by the US Government.I did not agree with most of Koresh's beliefs but he had the right to "freedom of religion" just like you and me.But because of this the entire family was murdered.Don't think it can happen to you?Well you are naive.

Bottom photo is of Randy Weaver who's young son was shot in the back by LE while looking for his dog,he was trying to run away but was mowed down by a coward.Mr.Weavers wife was killed by a FBI "sniper" while holding her baby daughter while looking out her window.Wow what a man that FBI JBT is huh?

Monday, October 27, 2008

Lets start with this gem... Hey folks we are in some hard times and if socialist obama gets elected we are in for one hell of a ride.Every time a demoRAT gets into office it seems they love to use the powers of LE to intrude on your life.Just for instance take David Koresh just outside Waco,Texas.The ATF wanted to conduct a raid on the "compound" (the ATF and media use the word "compound" to make it seem like a group of anti-American thugs run the place,plus it makes them look good after they raid the "compound" and kill women and children).Apparently Koresh had some full auto weapons (Class III for us gun savvy folks who "cling to our guns and religion").Okay maybe he did maybe he didn't but as some of you know Class III weapons are LEGAL in Texas as long as you filled out the proper forms and have your tax stamp.If they thought they were illegal weapons the Sheriff of McLennan county told the idiots at the ATF that all they had to do was go with him with a warrant and knock on the door and show their warrant and Koresh would let them in peacefully and let them execute their warrant.The Sheriff had done this in the past and had several dealings with Koresh and had never had a problem.But no the ATF had to go in there with full SWAT gear and jump all over the roof and start breaking windows and start shooting.What did they expect Koresh and the others to do with rounds flying around their home with women and children all over the place.They got owned because Koresh and others protected there family and made them retreat.As we all know it ended with the government setting fire to the place killing most everybody inside.What a bunch of cowards.
The above story is sad but I can tell you that if obama is elected it is going to be 1000x worse.Mark my words folks.